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tv   FOX 25 News at 10  FOX  February 2, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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is gnu tonight we hear from a woman who says a little boy was her son and what she says happened the day he suffered severe trauma. we're live at our new hampshire primary headquarters as the candidates make their final pushs with just one week to go. >> good evening. a storm on the radar over the
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its way towards new england tonight. hi there, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm heather hegedus. >> and i'm mark ockerbloom live from manchester. >> one week from tonight the results will be rolling in. first chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz is tracking some rain and wind for tomorrow. kevin. >> yeah, the initial concern is when this gets in here in the morning how cold it will be. this storm means business. heavy snow falling as far east to the great lakes. we continue to deal with them tonight. this system is moving our way. we are not gonna see tornadoes nor will we see heavy snow. we will see some affects. i used our high resolution model showing the green in here in
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spots of yellow, as well. there will be a few places at or below freezing and that could cause some spots of ice. temperatures for the most part will be above freezing in all of the area by about that same time. we'll have so watch for spots of ice, that's something shiri will be dealing with first thing in the morning. what i have to tell you about more is the timeline of the heavy rain, it will come in beyond that later on in the day. we'll talk about that in a few minutes. >> and as that rain moves in, stay up to date with our fox 25 weather app, as well. check out the latest radar from your phone by downloading the app to your android or apple device. a 3-year-old has died after being rushed away with severe trauma days ago from a roxbury home. we brought you the heart-breaking news on the fox 25 news at 5:00 and 6:00 and new tonight our malini basu is live in roxbury with an exclusive interview with a woman who says she's that little boy's mother. s. >> yeah, the 3-year-old was visiting his dad, stepmom and sister here at the house directly behind us. the mom says i wouldn't think it
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my son again. they just started buying stuff for kanai, but now of course she will never see her son again. >> reporter: for the first time, we are getting a look at precious 3-year-old kanai white. in the video you could see he's a happy-go-lucky boy. sources tell us they believe kanai was beaten to death by a relative. >> i have my son's teddy bear that he passed away with and his blanket. >> reporter: ashley young claims to be kanai's biological mom, she spoke to fox 25 right after seeing her son for the last time at the hospital. >> we had an arrangement, me and the father, and he had them weekends and i had him during the weekdays. and that was during the weekend, i lost my baby. >> reporter: sunday night kanai was rushed to the hospital from his dad's house in alpine street in roxbury. sources tell us kanai had head and lower body trauma. >> he no response.
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body bag, everything. >> he was a happy boy. all he do was play, he had a good time. everybody loved him. he is just -- he's bubbly. >> as part of the investigation dcf took kanai's five-month-old sister away from the alpine street home. they also took away ashley's two daughters who don't live at the home. all they did was take care of my son. every day he was with me and then he goes out and they take my baby. >> ashley young also tells us she feels like she lost all three children in one day. she just wants her two other children back because she says they all kept her like glue. and sources are telling us a relative with mental health issues may be to blame for the child's death and we're learning more about a candlelight vigil account.
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coming up at 11:00. >> hillary clinton and donald trump are just wrapping you events and all eyes are on new hampshire today. fox 25 is on the ground there already though and let's send it back to ock and vanessa live from our fox 25 new hampshire headquarters in manchester. >> thank you so much. as soon as the numbers were called last night, candidates hit the road and have been fanned out all across the state tonight. >> republican ted cruz started the day in windham firing up a crowd just hours after topping donald trump in the iowa caucuses. he talked about the role new hampshire has played during elections of the past. >> live free or die state. took a look at reagan and said that guy believes what he's saying. >> political reporter sharman
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new hampshire is a totally different landscape. >> this is trump's territory so far but ted cruz has got quite a showing. he's pulling in second here now. hasn't had a ton of events here in new hampshire per se when you compare him to some of the other candidates, say, for instance chris christie who's had more than 170 of that. so right now donald trump definitely going with the edge eventual next week. but there's still a lot of time left and certainly you can't count out marco rubio. he finished 1 percentage point behind trump in iowa. so we know anything could happen here in new hampshire, right? anything. you hear the stories about people driving to the polls and deciding as they're walking in. so you never know. and sharman, you know the big story about a closer look at the endorsement that trump picked up tonight, a big enforcement. >> from a former u.s. senator. >> we're all very familiar with him, that's for sure. fox 25's kathryn burcham is live in milford, new hampshire where
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campaign all night long. katherine. >> former massachusetts senator scott brown started the rally by plugging donald trump as the best choice for voters in next week's primary. trump told voters here he's counting on them to show up noting he spent many nights rallying in the granite states. trump took responsibility for his lack of focus in iowa and his choice to boycott last week's fox debate and admitted they were factors in his second
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they called him a quote, good loser. >> we finished number 2, and frankly had i known we could have finished number 2, maybe i would have spent more time, there i would have taken a day or two off from here. but that wouldn't have been good. >> he's so used to being number one all the time, i think it's okay to get knocked down, as long as you get up and carry
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lose what you're here for. >> hillary clinton headed to new hampshire after some momentum after getting the top spot in iowa. she and sanders hit the ground running from the vermont border all the way to the seacoast. that's where hillary clinton just wrapped up a rally in hampton. ted daniel has been with the democratic campaigns all day, ted. what has essentially become a two-person race both flew in from iowa at the crack of dawn and have been out campaigning ever since. one of those candidates is hillary clinton on the seacoast tonight for a rally in hampton here at the high school. joined by familiar faces including massachusetts attorney general mora healy. former arizona congresswoman gabby giffords and giffords' husband mark kelly. clinton managed to squeak by sanders in iowa last night but only by a very slim margin. you can bet she had sanders in mind this evening when she said this. that's what i want you to you think about. you will you have the opportunity to vote for the person number 1 can win because the prospect of a republican
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frankly too grim to contemplate. every single one of them, they will set us back. >> the way the polls look now, it's going to be an upset. the 74-year-old senator from vermont campaigned in keene and clement today, many supporters, young voters attracted by sander's grass roots feel and his idea of a political revolution. >> last night we came back from a 15 point deficit in the polls and last night we began the political revolution, not just in iowa, not just in new hampshire, but all over this country. >> hollywood actress and watertown native elijah was the one who introduced sanders at
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she says that he gave her a fist pump when she walked out on stage. you'll be seeing a lot more of those two candidates in the coming days. ted daniel, fox 25 news. >> back to the republican side now, third place iowa marco rubio met with voters in manchester today. the overwhelming opinion of many local experts is that rubio's third -- clermont and newberry and plymouth, a lot of buzz that he could pull off a second place finish in the greatest state. and no candidate has spent more time in new hampshire than new jersey governor chris christie. he's made more than 170 campaign stops and today he spent time in nashua and londonderry. >> all in all, an extremely busy
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only ranch up. >> we've got much more from throughout new hampshire on the news tonight at 10:00 and 11:00 but right now we want to send it back to heather hegedus in the studio. >> and a walk on the ice suddenly becomes a moment of panic. in the next half-hour, a teenager in desperate need of help when he falls into icy water. we'll show you the video tonight that shows that dramatic rescue in action. plus, heading to a certain neighborhood before being mugged. the place police are telling people to watch out for before
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the american people can't afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper... but will never make it in the real world. the grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent... can't wait. the single mom who desperately needs a raise... can't wait. the student with a mountain of debt can't wait. we can make real progress, right now for people and families who need it. p i'm hillary clinton and i
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but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here. (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. car repairs, home improvements, a family trip's not easy to afford them. what did marco rubio do? he put $22,000 in personal expenses on a republican party credit card. rubio's bad judgment caused a scandal and for five years rubio refused to release the credit card records. marco rubio: skipping major votes... all over the place on immigration... bad judgment. r
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pnright to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. >> a 13-year-old has just been identified at the person hit and killed by a commuter rail train in dedham. it brought that line to a stop during an investigation and it happened during rush hour tonight jim is live in dedham where commuter rail riders are describing the moment of impact. >> heather, earlier today, our photographer steve wright talked to a guy who was riding on this platform and he says he ran into a woman who says a teenaged boy ran down the platform and just kept running which means he ran next to the track. there was a 13-year-old boy who was killed and this was a horrible accident?
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occasional tears of frustration but tonight this commuter rail station in dedham was more place for tears of pure grief. marissa was aboard the 355 outbound to franklin when it came to an abrupt halt in dedham. from her window, malaris is a watched the conductor check under the train. >> she was crying, took off her hat, looked distressed. >> reporter: distressed because the train hit someone on the tracks, something passengers would gradually learn through social media. boy. >> i didn't think of it as more than a roomer until now. when you pull up and see all the police cars, it's a tragedy. >> reporter: for nearly two hours the train didn't move, some passengers texted loved ones as they waited to get in sight yet so far away.
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commute rail story. it. >> he tweeted out condolences to his family and friends. live in dedham, jim morelli, fox 25 news. a hazardous material situation in boston university snarling rush-hour traffic today. a fed ex truck had a box with a bottle of hydrochloric acid leaking in it and that caused crews to shut down a busy part of beacon street. well, the leak was neutralized and students were told to avoid fortunately no one was hurt. another round of threats forcing evacuations at two local schools today. skyfox over the scene today at milton, police say a bomb threat was called in. students were evacuated to a
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police swept the building. fortunately nothing was found but students were allowed back inside. skyfox also flying over quite a similar scene, another bomb threat at arlington high school this morning. student and staff were sent out to the lawn there while the building was searched. again no, evidence was found and class resumed. a dog was found starving and sick and we have now learned he to be put down. we first introduced to you stitch last week. dedham. the animal rescue league said stitch had a muscular condition that was so severe that he wasn't even able to drink water on his own so they decided the most humane option for him at this point would be to put him asleep. a medford man rescued after falling during a climb in new hampshire. according to the concord monitor, peter lindhle went ice-climbing near crawford notch state park sunday when he fell about 20 feet. rescuers rushed in to help him at mount willard.
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hospital. no word on how he's doing tonight. back up now at our fox 25 new hampshire primary headquarters in manchester. former u.s. senator scott brown endorsing republican presidential candidate donald trump tonight. >> it comes less than a month after trump floated brown as a potential vice-presidential candidate. sharman sacchetti joins us once again. could this really happen? that's the big obvious question in the room. you know, trump hasn't received any endorsements from any other senators or former senators until tonight. so the question is, what's he getting out this? >> only weeks ago, former u.s. senator scott brown hosting donald trump at a backyard barbecue in new hampshire. it was then that trump floated the idea that brown would make a, quote, very good vice-president. brown hasn't held public office since he lost his race to elizabeth warren back in 2012.
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and went on to win a second race in 2014. could it actually happen, we asked, could we see scott brown as a potential vice-presidential candidate? >> i think trump is the one who's talked about it, basically said scott brown is from central casting. scott brown is a popular guy. bottomline, endorsements at this point i don't think mean a whole lot of anything. >> and that's just it. it's unclear if this will give trump any kind of a boost as he comes off a second place finish in iowa and heads to a busy primary week here in new hampshire. >> in windham, ted cruz is coming off that big win out in iowa. does he have time to catch donald trump? so far ted cruz is polling in second right now in new hampshire and, to i think, the surprise of a lot of sort of
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i think they're a little surprised that people here in new hampshire might be potentially buying into his brand of conservatism but the question remains, can he carry this out through to the next week? he's certainly getting a bump and coming off good momentum that he last night, and i have to tell you when i was asked at an event this morning, people were fired up, they liked what he had to say. fury van gel cans here but still seems to think he has a lot of support here. >> he certainly thinks he has a very good shot here, and we heard him envoking ronald reagan's name, john mccain's name, both very popular figures here in new hampshire. well, our coverage from new hampshire is far from over. we'll be here all week long bringing you the big moments from the campaign trail every night at 7:00 p.m. and of course on election night, as well. let's head it back again to our hegedus. >> still ahead at 10:00 now, a local town forced to pay ransom.
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out to get back some important equipment and who they paid. plus, with he have brand-new information tonight about the zika virus you'll want to know about. the new wave a dangerous virus has now been spread, jeb bush once stood tall. before his campaign sank like a rock and he started desperately slinging mud on fellow republicans. that's not presidential, jeb. john kasich did cut ohio's taxes. cut state spending. turned a deficit into a surplus. brought back jobs from mexico and china. that's john kasich, that's conservative, and that's presidential. new day for america is responsible for the content of this advertising. car repairs, home improvements,
10:23 pm's not easy to afford them. what did marco rubio do? he put $22,000 in personal expenses on a republican party credit card. rubio's bad judgment caused a scandal and for five years rubio refused to release the credit card records. marco rubio: skipping major votes... immigration... bad judgment. to be president. for the content of this message. alright guys. cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use definitely. something to show you. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. to get over a thousand miles it's got every the prius actually belongs on the table. we cannot defeat
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and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message,
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is we're hearing for the first time tonight from a local congresswoman at the center of a swathing hoax. we told you last night at 10:00 how police swarmed the millers' home of representative catherine clark saturday night. they received a fake phone call about an active shooter at the scene. new tonight katherine clark now telling us she was shocked to see police with guns on her front lawn but says it won't let it stop her from making swathing scenarios a federal crime. >> i think anyone who thought this was going to detour us or salons us underestimated.
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me double down on our efforts. >> her mother today just overcome by tears drivenning a girl who survives health problems all her life and dreamed of being on american idol one day. >> nicole was very loveable person. nicole touched many people throughout her short life. >> two promising engineering student have been arrested from virginia tech. they say within of them knew, kidnapped and killed level. the other helped conceal her body. still no word tonight on a motive in the girl's murder. terrifying moments on board a plane when an explosion blows a hole right through the side of a cabin. look at that right there. it happened today while a plane was flying over somalia. here. wind blowing, oxygen masks and
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the distance. a bomb might have caused the explosion. a patient in texas has acquired the zika virus through sexual transmits. the patient was infected after having sexual contact with an ill person who returned from a country where zika was present. experteds acknowledge that process could take years. >> even if we got lucky and found a biologically vulnerable part of this virus to get a vaccine, the procedures would take, i think a minimum we're talking about years, not months. institutions here in the
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tests and vaccines. well, quite a daring rescue on a pond, a teenager falling into that water right there just as a camera starts rolling. we'll show you the incredible video coming up in the next half-hour. >> i'm tracking a major storm coming through the middle of the country with heavy snow and
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i really want to you pay s. >> some cabdrivers are being lured to a sudden neighborhood and then being robbed. it's a growing problem that police are investigating right now in wore had chester and a as robert ghoulston reveals, the latest driver to be robbed was shot over just $40 bucks. >> the 62-year-old cabdriver was dispatched to his corner to pick up the fare but when he got here, police say the caller wanted more than a ride. >> i was sitting in my bedroom watching tv and heard a fire truck and ambulance come and looked out the window. >> reporter: erin took these pictures from her upstairs apartment window two doors down from where it happened. police say a tax driver was shot after being ambushed by someone who called for the cab. >> i seen the white car with the
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like, oh, my god. >> reporter: virgil rodriguez saw the aftermath too. he used to drive for the same taxi company. >> it's dangerous. you know, especially he had knife, you know, and you don't know what's gonna happen. >> reporter: overnight weekend at main and clemens street, the woman driving for a delivery company had a knife held up to her throat during a robbery and later that same day near cutler and dorchester street another driver was robbed at gun point. >> we're looking at the fact that we've had three in the last few days, this one resulting in is a person being shot. >> reporter: we talked to the vice-president here at red cab and says all of the drivers are rallying around the victim and talking about ways to make sure they stay safe. >> reporter: red cab is reminding all of its employees to be extra aware of their surroundings.
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affairs when a man's just out there trying to earn an honest living and ends up being sexually assaulted by a robber, shooting him just over a few dollars. >> reporter: the driver is out of the hospital and expected to be okay. robert ghoulston, fox 25 news. just hours after the caucuses, a major snowstorm barreled down on iowa. in the same system, that's the one pushing our way tonight and there in iowa from mason city, they've had 6 or 7-inches of snow. expecting 2 to 3 overnight. because of the strong winds and blowing snow, there's still a blizzard warning out, and that's what we're talking about, this part of the country right in here. it's attached to the same storm system coming toward us and bringing tornadoes in all the severe weather that stretches to the midwest and all the way to the south. this picture was sent in from wyoming, another part of the system, the blizzard of '16, they're calling it out, there some heavy snow for them and the blowing and drifting. but it's the tornadoes that have
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this picture from atlanta, in pickens county. there was some damage and other tornadoes being reported with us some of the damage in carrollton, alabama tonight and the huge tornado way back here. the monster wedge tornado as it's being called here by james span and other meteorologists in the south there, in alabama, unbelievable stuff they're dealing with tonight. still watching for severe weather. back here, our futurecast data shows we don't have much happening overnight until the very early-morning hours. some of the lighter greens with this high resolution data tend to be some thicker clouds. we get to the darker greens that we're talking about, showers coming down. the yellow is the heavier showers. notice in worcester county, northern worcester county, seeing some of this at 8:45 in the morning and a few showers into boston by 9:30. the heavy stuff will come later on but there will be showers around during the morning drive. they'll just be spotty. here's the issue. out here in worcester county, it's below freezing. fitchburg is 30 degrees. through the night and into the morning, temperatures will start to go up as winds shift around to the south now.
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precipitation gets in before the temperatures rises enough. same for new keene, new hampshire. manchester, worcester at 35 right now. it will be marginal where you get down to freezing in the city of worcester. but certainly worcester northward i'm mildly concerned about the potential of spots of ice out there. we're not talking about an ice storm but could be slick for a little while between like 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning out in that part the state. the winds will start to pick up. a moderate risk for strong winds tomorrow, rain certainly going to get heavier and that ice risk is on the lower side. this is the rain that will continue. through lunchtime, making gets way into worcester county, southern new hampshire getting it earlier and boston and through the evening commute, it will be raining and at times heavily in worcester and boston. the front continues off to the south. the rainshowers keep on coming right into the nighttime hours tomorrow. here's the good news, comes with more warm air. temperatures for highs to will be in the upper 40s to
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to the west of boston, natick 51. dedham at 49. southward to foxboro at 51 degrees. out here into worcester county, even though you start cold and the threat of ice, temperatures rising into the 30s. and worcester at 53 degrees. 8:00 in the morning, gusts to 30, gusts to 40 plus by noontime. 50 possible by the late afternoon and evening hours as a front crosses the area. that's why the wind also a threat here. these showers slowly make their way out of here thursday morning. we get into sunshine by the afternoon on thursday. because the front is so slow, it will still be fairly mild on thursday but by this weekend, temperature will start to rebound after crashing a bit on friday, just to seasonal levels. in the 40s this weekend. however, my eyes on next week for the potential for a winter storm, something we'll talk about with the latest data coming in. >> all right, kevin. as the rain and wind move in, stay up to date all morning long with the fox 25 morning news. we have your forecast every 10 minutes. it all begins at 4:00 a.m. >> stay the night for a price.
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local student who is now facing punishment for renting his room three different times. but first at 10:00, why yahoo says cutting nearly 2,000 jobs is the american people can't afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper... but will never make it in the real world. the grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent... can't wait. the single mom who desperately needs a raise... can't wait. the student with a mountain of debt can't wait. we can make real progress, right now for people and families who need it. p i'm hillary clinton and i
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with looking at something old, like this... and saying, "really?" so capital one built something new where you can unwind with free wi-fi and banking advice, free checking accounts. no minimums, fees or gimmicks. and a top-rated banking app that lets you handle your financial needs... right here. that's banking reimagined.
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car repairs, home improvements, a family trip's not easy to afford them. what did marco rubio do? he put $22,000 in personal expenses on a republican party credit card. rubio's bad judgment caused a scandal and for five years rubio refused to release the credit card records. marco rubio: skipping major votes... all over the place on immigration... bad judgment. r he's just not ready to be president.
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>> the remains of several marines killed in a military helicopter crash off of hawaii have been recovered and identified. we learned the trace dna remains were found during the rescue operations that ended january 19th. corporal christopher orlando from hingham was among those killed in the crash. we're now working to find out tonight if he was one of the marines who was identified. the commander of the helicopter squadron had been fired just two days before the two choppers crashed. and embattled comedian bill cosby will be back in court tomorrow looking to have sexual assault charges thrown out. the former pennsylvania d.a. testified today that he believes
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cosby in 2005 is binding. andrea constand is claiming cosby sexually assaulted her in 2004 but the d.a. says he couldn't find enough credible and admissible evidence to bring charges then. major laughs are on the way for a major tech company. yahoo announcing today it will cut 15% of its workforce and that's about 11,000 employees. it could be in response to a group of shareholders that have heavily criticized ceo marissa mare for not making any progress and turning around the company's finances. >> as two-year renovation, the government center station will re-open march 26th. the mbta says crews have worked extremely hard on the $82 million renovation project. improvements include add wheelchair accessibility, improvement platforms and a
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entrance. a local town forced to cough up ransom money. the important reason now that officials say they thought was the easiest way to get back what they needed. and we're going to head back out to manchester new hampshire for you for a look back at history throughout 100 granite state primaries. >> heather, celtics trying to get back on the winning track against the knicks, and the bs
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lead in the third perfected everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. keep it simple. make every piece count. let other people know what you're made of. always be real. don't be fake, don't be artificial, but always be sweet. and of course, wear sunscreen. no artificial colors, just good. congress doesn't regulate wall street...
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it's a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1%. and it's held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. people who know you can't level the playing field by taking more money from wall street. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. join the fight to take back our government.
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away for the primary. >> in its history, there have been moments that shook up the course of campaigns and affected elections. a look now at the history of the country's first primary and how the granite state counts in a very big way. records presidential candidates come to new hampshire with their coats, hats, gloves and a smile. welcome to new hampshire where voters canbreak make or break a candidate. >> what i've learned over the years is there's nothing more volatile, nothing more unpredictable than a new hampshire electorate. >> reporter: daunte is a political science professor at unh and says even though the new hampshire primary has been established for 100 years. >> i have no comment on that question. >> reporter: it didn't really become a game changer until 1952. that's when harry truman learns the hard lesson.
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he needed new hampshire to stay alive. but truman didn't campaign in the state. he lost the primary and suspended his campaign. >> and that's when new hampshire began to give momentum to the winners who emerged from the state because the day after new hampshire, you became a national political name. >> did someone see us fall backwards. >> reporter: there are no sure bets. over the past 100 years the primary has been filled with unexpected splits and turns. >> some of the biggest surprises would include gary hart in 1984, defeating former vice-president walter mondale for the new hampshire democratic primary >> reporter: its surprises don't trend this. >> 2008, hillary clinton comeback versus barack obama after losing the iowa caucuses, the new hampshire primary took place several days later and a myself thought barack obama had all the momentum going into the
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was hillary clinton who emerged the winner that evening, and extended the competition for months. >> reporter: with every candidate at dinners, buses, town hall meetings leading up to the new hampshire primary getting upclose and personal. we see the candidates shy. >> would you turn that microphone on for me? i am paying for this microphone. >> reporter: and we see them stumble. the outcome, tough to predict. >> john mccain is a good example in 2000, john mccain won the new hampshire republican primary against george bush and as i remember bush saying that evening at his so called victory party, which turned out to be a losing party, that new hampshire was a bump in the road, and that's exactly what it turned out to be that year because bush went on to win south carolina and win the nomination. >> reporter: this year as always
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>> and the professor tells us many new hampshire voters make up their minds on who they're going to vote for at the very last minute in the voting booth. that's one of the many reasons why new hampshire is always too tough to call. >> especially when it comes to politics. for right nowlet go back to heather hegedus in our studio at fox 25. >> back to massachusetts now. local leaders paying hacker as ransom after their town computer network is locked down with a virus. the ransom ware virus arrived at medfield town hall by email january 25th and froze the town's network computer. the town reached out to law enforcement and even computer experts but no one was able to free the system. so that's when the town had to pay roughly $300 to get a passport which gave them access again. >> and it doesn't appear that anything was taken, anything was rearranged, anything was comprised at all.
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us that med field is now backing up its files and looking for ways to better protect its network. a snapshot of a bank robbery in progress this morning, take a look at this. billerica police say this man appeared to show a gun to a teller at the enterprise bank on boston road. you can see she gave him the money, and then he took off. investigators say the crime is similar to other recent robberies. the fbi is now investigating. families with small children will once again be able to board united airlines flights early. starting on february 15th, parents with children age 2 or younger will be allowed to preboard right after passengers with disabilities and uniformed military personnel. united dropped the policy back in 2012 but said going back to it was simply the right thing to do. and more details now. we told you last night at 10:00, that both united and american are also bringing back free snacks in coach. united has already brought back the complimentary treats for
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and american says it will have snacks available this month for some flights including those can connecting from new york to california and all domestic flights will follow suit in april. >> a game that was tied at 1 after two periods ends up going to overtime but certainly turns your stomach along the way. the bruins squared off at the garden tonight. >> great pass from david krachi to brad marchand. second goal of the night, that made it 2-1 bruins, 26 seconds later, krachi got one himself. the first shot no good but krachi's there to if ill it in. scored one to draw within 1 and then this with 8 and a half left. c.o.d. ry comes up with the equalizer and if that's not bad enough, the bs lose it in overtime. toronto on a powerplay, that's
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as the bruins fall tonight 4-3. celtics were in new york to face the knicks. pick this one up, tied as well, 49 each. bradley threw to amir johnson and that is easy. barry's a jumper here, makes a 1 point game and material zeller out front, adam turner finds him. a solid game tonight. celtics only 3 of 19 from the 3 point range but that's one of the 3. back. celtics win it 97-18. he claimed the nfl is not going to release the information it learned while testing the air
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2015 regular season. >> what the league did this year is what we do in a lot of rules and policies designed to protect the integrity of the game and that's to create a deterrent effect. it wasn't a research study, simply were spot checks. there were no advices this year, we continue the work, obviously consistently and importantly enforce the integrity of the game and the rules that are designed there to protect them. >> that is not what they said back in august, just for the record. and late this afternoon, the league confirmed that lady gaga will perform the national anthem this sunday in santa clara. we typically know it will perform the anthem at the super bowl much sooner than this. i actually thought it would be a surprise on sunday but the announcement came today. lady gaga get the gig. coming up, the superstar who almost didn't sing the star spanningle i do everything on the internet
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ed inside this guy punxsutawney has anything to say about, it we won't be seeing very much of old man winter at you all. the ground hog made his prediction this morning. >> there is no shadow to be cast. an early spring is my forecast! >> all right, spring should be just around the corner. in a matter of four weeks after he sees his shadow, the snow is pretty much finished. but wrong. back to worcester county, in through the darker greens, that's our high resolution model concerned about temperatures
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causing some spotty icing. on average temperature will be 35 degrees with some showers be some freezing rain. i told you the potential for storms in our computer models takes us to tuesday. here's the european model showing a storm coming very close to southern new england. that would be too close to the snow, though. that would be rain. however, the american version of the model also forms a pretty big ocean storm, brings it close enough but colder which could be some snow. but a lot to look at next week. coming up at 11:00, i'll show you where we have an even earlier chance of snow in the seven-day forecast. a teenager was pulled from freezing waters. late. this happened near kansas city as thin ice broke on a pond. but the entire rescue was caught on camera. >> the rescue team were indeed the rescue of the day. >> a time of dire emergency. the 16-year-old boy fell through the ice and it first came oh so
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>> i captured him struggling trying to get off theite, trying to get out of the icy waters and on to the ice but it wasn't working. >> a police officer trying to reach the teen with a branch but then firefighters with the fire equipment arrived and took over. they had just had a refresher course on ice rescues last week. using all their skills, they grabbed the young man up and pulled to shore. by this time sherry knew the team had no energy left. >> i am absolutely certain that should these rescue teams have not responded when they did, this young man would not have had much more time that he could endure the frozen icy waters out there. that parents can use the video for a teaching moment to show kids just how dangerous ice can be, as to show what a tremendous job first responders do. >> it was extremely impressive,
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the line. >> we're told the teenager did suffer from hypothermia but is expected to make a full recovery. now at 11:00, the latest track this storm system and the timeline, when you can expect the worst to arrive. >> goodbye iowa, hello new hampshire. the candidates for president pushing the votes before the primary. the democratic race that's tighter than ever and a big name support that one republican got tonight. a teenager hit and killed by a train. the investigation happening now to find out what went wrong. take a look at this on the radar. this storm system right here down south is headed our way. and it's bringing a lot of rain with it tomorrow. good evening, everyone. i'm heather hegedus. we're going to be headed out to new hampshire for primary coverage in just a moment. first we want to check in with fox 25 chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz who is tracking the
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